

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 沙井街道 和一社区 沙井南环大道和松福大道交叉口 华丰高新产业园11号电梯
  • 姓名: 朱
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 试验设备 材料试验机
  • 发布日期:2019-03-25
  • 阅读量:203
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 件
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东深圳南山区  
  • 关键词:PTL软线弹性试验机,德国软线弹性试验机,进口软线弹性试验机


    德国PTL软线弹性试验机F43.11弹性试验机 供应进口弹性试验机
    IEC 60065 / 2005-12 &16.3b *)表 19,
    IEC 60227-2 / 2003-04&3.1.2 表1 图 1,
          IEC 60245-2 / 1998-04 &3.1.2 表1 图 1,
          VDE 0472部分603/ 1989-07 &4.8 and&4.12图5等相关标准
    PTL Flexibility Test Machine
    of flexible cables and cords by moving to and fro 
    according to IEC 60065 / 2005-12 &16.3b *) Table 19,
          IEC 60227-2 / 2003-04 &3.1.2 Table 1 Figure 1,
          IEC 60245-2 / 1998-04 &3.1.2 Table 1 Figure 1,
          VDE 0472 Part 603 / 1989-07 ?4.8 and&4.12 Figure 5
    * )A high-voltage supply, however, belongs neither to the standard outfit nor is it available as 
    special outfit.
    Flexible cables and cords must be able to withstand the flexing and bending movement which occurs in normal usage. The stress in practical use is simulated by means of the test with e.g. 60 000 load cycles. 
    During the test the sample is bent after each other into two opposite directions over a prescribed bending radius. For this purpose the cable to be checked is led over two pulleys on a carrier which moves to and fro. 
    Test Machine 
    The PTL Flexibility Test Machines are suitable for the stress by means of pulleys up to diameter 200 mm. The carrier is equipped with recirculating-ball bearing bushes which run on hardened and ground guideways. In accordance with the standards it is driven by means of a circulating chain. A connecting rod with ball-bearings is used for coupling the carrier with the driving chain. These features ensure that the carrier guide has almost no slackness, is easy to maintain and relatively quiet. 
    Attaching and removing the sample
    The PTL Flexibility Test Machines have been designed so that the time required for attaching and removing the cables under test is kept as small as possible. It is not necessary - even in the case of the multiple test machines - to thread the cables. 
    For this reason the table has side slots. All clamps to fasten and to load the samples are designed in such a manner that, without changing parts, 16 different openings are provided to suit the different cable shapes and dimensions. Tightening is carried out by knurled nuts. It is possible to exchange the pulleys quickly. 
    PTL Flexibility Test Machine 11
    for checking the mechanical durability of flexible cords and cables by
    bending them back and forth 
    Standard outfit : 
    1 carrier, with recirculating-ball
    bearing bushes running be-low the table-board on two cylindrical guide ways, with mounted traveling boom, 
    1 geared motor with chain and
    connecting rod to drive the carrier with a speed 
    0.33 m/s ?5%, 
    2 supports for the side pulleys,
    with grooves for the adjust-ment of the pulleys, 
    1 set of bolts nuts and ball
    bearings for fastening the pulleys, 
    1 set of loading weights, de-
    tails see F 43/3 
    1 set of restraining clamps as
       stops to limit the travel of the
    1 set of terminals for connection of the samples,
    1 base, with one front and two side doors, with splinted table-board, with shelf for accessories,
    1 protecting hood with panes of polycarbonate glass, disburdened by gas springs, with electric drive to open and to close,
    3 door contact switches for the side doors and for the protecting hood,
    1 electrical current load unit, details see F 43/3,
    1 electrical switching and control unit with main switch, lockable switch EMERGENCY-OFF,
    preset counter as well as push buttons I and O. 
    Design:Steel construction, papyrus-white structure varnished with stone gray coloured highlights, smaller steel parts burnished or nickel-plated, cylindrical guide ways hardened and ground,for operation at 3x400V 50 Hz or 60 Hz Article No.: F 4 3 . 1 1 
    Accessories for Flexibility Test Machines 
    Electrical Current Load Unit 
    The sample is loaded by extra-low voltage, the current is adjustable 1…20 A resp. 
    1...32 A, the voltage between the leads is equal to the mains voltage and selectable, 230 V or 400 V, two or three phases. Additionally monitored are 1 or 2 leads. 
    The monitoring unit switches off the drive and the load unit in case of short circuit or breakage in the loaded and unloaded leads of the sample. 
    Switching and control units: digital current indicating instrument, Rotary switch "CON-DUCTOR AMPERAGE" to select the conductor, the current of which is indicated, Rotary switch "NUMBER OF MONITORED CONDUCTORS" to select the quantity of 
    conductors, Rotary knob ?AMPER-
    AGE“,push-button switch "LOAD" with builtin pilot lamp, push-button switch "MONITORING" with built-in pilot lamp, pilot lamps "CONDUCTOR BREAK" and "CONDUCTOR SHORT CIRCUIT". 
    Sets of Loading Weights 
    For the mechanical load of the cables or cords under test with loads of 0,5 kg to 9,0 kg in steps of 0,5 kg. 
    Design: Disks of round steel, with centric bore-hole for the sample, basic weight 0,5 kg including clamping harness, in licate each. 
    The bottoms of the basic weight and of the weights pieces are fitted with a threaded bore hole. The weights are fitted additionally with appropriate thread bolts on the top. By that way, weights can be easily added or removed. 
    Picture: Right side door opened, sample with 5 leads connected to terminals, set of loading weights 9,0 kg mounted, restraining clamp fixed above the table board.
    Set of Pulleys , 
    exchangeable, for the guidance of the cables or cords under test, 4 pieces each. 
    Not included in standard outfit . 
    Design : pulley body made of anodized aluminum
    欢迎来到深圳市智检系统有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区沙井南环大道和松福大道交叉口 华丰高新产业园11号电梯,老板是黄玉芳。 主要经营日本NMB 美培亚 AST 传感器代理商 AUTOSTRONG 深圳市奥德赛创精密仪器有限公司 位移传感器 深圳市智检系统有限公司 轮辐称重传感器。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我们公司主要供应称重传感器,压力传感器,安全光幕等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!